Welcome to Park Ridge Seventh-day Adventist Church

Hello and Welcome!

We are so glad you have chosen to join us as we worship the Lord together in fellowship on His Holy Day — the Sabbath.  Whether you are a regular member, or visiting with us for the first time, or joining us online, we want to make sure you know just how much we appreciate you joining us here at our Park Ridge Church.  Our weekly Sabbath program starts with Sabbath School for all ages from 9:30am to 10:30am followed by the main Service at 10:50am through to 12:30pm — all are welcome. 
We also run a range of community programs throughout the year, so please feel free to contact us if you would like more information.
Sermon Summary - Dear Church
27 July, 2024

This Saturday, we're going to embark on an exciting adventure through the book of Acts, and our journey takes us to chapter 12. You know the story: James, the brother of John and one of the original apostles, meets a gruesome end at the hands of Herod Agrippa. But what's even more remarkable is how God responds to this tragedy. In the midst of darkness and despair, we find a glimmer of hope as Peter, imprisoned and awaiting execution, experiences an unexpected detour. With angels and prison doors opening in miraculous ways, Peter finds himself free to spread the gospel even more boldly than before. This weekend, we'll explore how God can turn our darkest moments into opportunities for His glory and our good.
As we delve into Acts 12, I want to challenge you to consider what detours God might have in store for you. Maybe you're facing a trial that seems insurmountable, or perhaps you're feeling stuck in a season of spiritual dryness. But here's the thing: God is never caught off guard. He's always working behind the scenes, orchestrating events to bring about His ultimate plan. So come prepared this Saturday to be encouraged, inspired, and challenged to trust in the sovereignty of our amazing God. Who knows what unexpected detours He might have in store for us?

The Incredible Journey presents:
Jesse Owens – Gold Medal Hero

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