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I hope this message finds you filled with the warmth and blessings that only God's love can bring. I was recently asked by a non-church goer what is the purpose of church? Is church essential or even necessary? How would you answer this question? Well, there’s many ways we can answer this question but hopefully our answers reveal the beautiful calling that we have as a church - to be a healing community.

God is truly working wonders in our midst. He is building a global community, and we are privileged to be a part of it. In this community, we find restoration and revelation of His extraordinary love. It is through our unity and collective efforts that we are able to bring His healing power into the lives of others. One of the most essential aspects of being a healing community is engaging in fellowship. As we come together to worship, pray, and support one another, we create an environment where healing moments can occur. Let us never underestimate the power of a kind word, a listening ear, or a loving gesture. In the hustle and bustle of our lives, let us commit to cultivating connections and relationships that bring healing and hope to those around us.

Equally significant is our calling to proclamation. We are fortunate to have a message that can transform lives - the message of Jesus Christ. Let us be bold and courageous in sharing this good news with those around us, so that they too can experience the healing and restoration that comes through a relationship with Jesus. Our words and actions have the potential to touch hearts in ways we may never fully comprehend.

Lastly, but no less important, is the call to service. God has blessed each one of us with unique gifts and talents that can be used for the betterment of our community. When we engage in acts of service, we become vessels through which His healing love flows. There are countless opportunities within our church and beyond, where we can make a tangible difference in the lives of others. Let us seize these opportunities with open hearts and willing hands.

Therefore, friends don't miss the chance to experience Jesus and community in a deeper way. Let us be intentional in our pursuit of Him, seeking His healing touch and guidance in all aspects of our lives. Let us be open to the fellowship, proclamation, and service that the church offers, knowing that in doing so, we are participating in God's transformative work. May we always strive to be a healing community, bringing the restorative power of God's love to those who are hurting. Together, let us embrace the calling placed upon us and continue to build a global community that is a beacon of hope and healing for all.

In His Love,
David Peñate

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