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Hope your week was full of blessings and are looking forward to the weekend. Let me take your mind back to last Saturday’s song service, it was absolutely amazing. You could feel the presence of God among His people as we sang those grace-filled, Christ-centred songs. I want to thank the worship team for putting that experience together for us last week. I especially enjoyed that old song (But a goodie), “Heaven came down”, which allows us to reflect on the fact that we can experience the divine right now. God’s presence is here to fill our souls and that’s a good enough reason to sing to the Lord.

I am continually amazed by the depth of faith and love that I witness within our church family. I see some of you living out your devotion to God each day, facing trials with courage and seeking His guidance in all things. Just as the Israelites in Exodus 15 sang a new song of praise to God after experiencing His deliverance and provision, I believe that we are called to do the same.

The concept of singing a new song to the Lord goes beyond merely using words to worship Him. It is about expressing our gratitude, awe, and praise in a fresh and vibrant way, reflecting the ever-changing nature of God's grace in our lives. Each day brings new blessings, new challenges, and new opportunities to grow in our relationship with Him, and our song of praise should reflect this dynamic journey of faith.

Let us come together as a church family to embrace this call to sing a new song of praise to the Lord. Let us lift our voices in unison, blending our individual struggles and triumphs into a powerful symphony of worship. May our song resonate with the beauty of His love, the strength of His guidance, and the joy of His salvation.

In this new season of singing a new song to the Lord, let us fervently seek His presence in all that we do. Let our lives be a living testimony of His goodness and faithfulness, with each step we take echoing the melody of His grace. As we commit to singing a new song of praise, may we inspire others to join in this chorus of worship, inviting them to experience the transformative power of God's love in their own lives.

I am excited to embark on this journey of praise and worship with each of you, as we lift our voices and our hearts to sing a new song to the Lord. Together, let us create a symphony of faith that glorifies His name and brings hope to a world in need. May our song be a beacon of light in the darkness, a source of comfort in times of trouble, and a reminder of the eternal love that surrounds us all.

With deep gratitude and love,
David Peñate